Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Más de una docena de componentes reutilizables construidos para proporcionar iconografía, menús desplegables, grupos de entrada, navegación, alertas, y mucho más ...

Fundado el 7 de Enero del 2005

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Por Andrés
Ron, we´re modellers, not full scale pilots :wink:

11000 W :shock: :shock:

14s3p :shock: :shock:

2,6m electric hovering and then vertical accelerating :shock: :shock: :shock:

The link doesn´t work for me, but with the video is enough

Many thanks

Para los que no sepais ingles, con bajaros el video lo entenderéis todo :D
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Por Andrés
I´ve to correct myself, with the video wasn´t enough... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: THAT´S A MOTOR!!!!

Ron, it´s too much for me...
What´s the star/triangle configuration?
What can you change with it?
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Por ron_van_sommeren
A brushless motor has 3 sets of coils (three fases). You can connect the beginnings of all three phases, that will gave you star. You can also connect the end of one phase with the start of the next fase, that will give you delta/triangle. A motor in delta will run 1.7 times faster ( = √3) than in delta for a given voltage.

In the picture you see a 9statorteeth outrunner motor, with 3*3 sets of coils.


Última edición por ron_van_sommeren el Jue, 13 Oct 2005 16:34, editado 1 vez en total.
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Por Igb
too expensive for me :D
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Por Andrés
Thanks for the explanation :D
Por Inventor
ron_van_sommeren escribió:A brushless motor has 3 sets of coils (three fases). You can connect the beginnings of all three phases, that will gave you star. You can also connect the end of one phase with the start of the next fase, that will give you delta/traingle/wye. A motor in delta will run 1.7 times faster ( = √3) than in star for a given voltage.

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