Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Fundado el 7 de Enero del 2005

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Por Inventor
Veamos, según la información que he encontrado, los motores LRK, tienen un alto torque y bajas RPM, ahora bien, todos los que he visto tienen 6 bobinas y 14 imanes.

Por limitaciones de espacio, me sería más factible fabricar un motor con 28 imanes y 12 bobinas, es posible hacerlo? funcionaría igual de bien? algún consejo?


Let's see, acording to the information that I have found, LRK motors, have high torque and low RPM, but all i have seen, have 6 windings and 14 poles, but having a limited space in my design, it's preferable to make smaller coils (12) and smaller magnets (28) Just doubling the LRK base configuration. Any advices?
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Por carlospq
Mira la tabla de Ralph Okon:

Yo creo que lo que se puede hacer para usar 12 bobinas y 28 imanes es poner los imanes dobles, o sea, en vez de alternar N-S-N-S ponerlos NN-SS-. para que equivalga a 12 bobinas y 14 imanes y bobinar según se indica en la tabla.
Por Inventor
En realidad, los imanes no tienen porqué ser 28, pero las bobinas, por el espacio disponible, puedo poner 12 pequeñitas, en vez de 6 grandes...

En esa tabla son configuraciones LRK?... (es que me interesa esa desmultiplicación magnética...como si usase una reductora...)

Si empleo 12 bobinas y 14 imanes (NNSSNNSS), no es esa reducción que yo pretendo, más pequeña?...
Por Inventor
borrad este, que se me repitió...
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Por ron_van_sommeren
Inventor, you'll find the original Elektro Modell magazin do-it-yourself articles at the bottom of this page: (English)

You can wind all 12 teeth, distributed lrk winding diagram, that will give you a 10% higher Kv (rpm/Volt) and 10 lower Kt (torque/Ampère) at slightly lower resistance. Advantageous for thin stators. See this article:
-> files
-> Aufwind magazin (you can enlarge the scans)

(Don't worry, I took care of spam, you can subscribe without any risk :))

LRK winding diagrams: -> technisches

Search for 'lrk' in the discussion title, user 'olmod', lots of info.

A 24 statorpole, 20, 22, 26, 28 magnetpole is an option as you can see on

A 18 statorpole lamination + turned parts (statorcarrier,bell,magnets,front- and driveplate) group order project, you can still join/order (not commercial):
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Por ron_van_sommeren
The table on does not show possible winding diagrams for 24 statorpoles. For that you have to use the 'winding calculator' input fields at the top of the table's page.

24 teeth and 20 or 28 magnetpoles give:

(28 magnets arranged N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S-
NN-SS-NN-SS-NN-SS-NN-SS-NN-SS-NN-SS-NN-SS- this would give 14magnetpoles using 28magnets, which can be a good idea when you have small magnets, magnets follow the curvature of the bell better)

You 'calculate' the winding diagrams for 24teeth and 22 (or 26) magnetpoles.

Advantages/disadvantages of certain winding diagrams:
-> English
-> winding schemes in pictures

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