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Por ralf04
Hola busco un plano de un p51d de thunter tiger para montarlo con motor gasolina y tren retagtil.....
Por ec-4-avj
ralf04 escribió:Hola busco un plano de un p51d de thunter tiger para montarlo con motor gasolina y tren retagtil.....
Hola te respondo sobre el P51D
Como buscas el plano de este avion y no dices la escala que quieres, pero tampoco me dices la cilindrada o potencia de tu motor en gasolina. me puedo permitir pensar que buscas algo asi
es un Kit, posiblemente de los mejores que he visto, en aeromodelismo y te puedo asegurar que ademas de traer buenas instrucciones lleva el plano; solo le falta una americana (Gringa que te lea el altimetro o la velcidad para tirar de palanca y arriba)

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Tech Notice
Giant P-51 Mustang logo
Giant P-51 Mustang photo
Rule the skies in impressive fashion with this 1/5 scale majestic warbird

Ever since it gained fame during World War II, the P-51D Mustang has enjoyed a reputation as America's favorite fighter. Now you can pilot a stunning 1/5 scale replica of this impressive bird that'll have you feeling like you're right in the cockpit. With its 84.5" wingspan and incredible attention to detail, Top Flite's new Giant Scale P-51D Mustang is a worthy entrant at IMAA events.
Giant P-51 Mustang relative size photo

But as realistic as it looks, it builds surprisingly easy, using familiar wood kit-building techniques, tools and materials that take much of the fear out of tackling a large-scale project. Its awesome dimensions make it easy to track in the sky, where you'll also marvel at how true-to-scale the plane performs. Ready to experience a new level of warbird realism? Top Flite's new Giant Scale P-51D Mustang is ready to take you there!

* Computer-designed, interlocking parts and a photo-illustrated manual make this kit as easy to build as any Top Flite warbird.

* Many precision-formed scale appointments, such as the radiator scoop, cowl bottom, and gun and exhaust ports add to the P-51's accurate detailing.

* This kit will perform admirably with either a glow-powered or gasoline-powered engine.

* Cleanly die-cut wood parts minimize sanding and carving, and tab-lock framing of the fuselage virtually eliminates any chance of alignment error.

You'll be the center of attention at the field with this vintage warrior!

[ Check out reviews by R/C Report, R/C Scale International Magazine & R/C Modeler Magazine ]
P-51 Mustang flaps and retracts
The kit's instruction manual shows how to install these flaps and retracts for added realism (gear not included).

P-51 Mustang engine installation P-51 Mustang cowl P-51 Mustang
Stock Number: TOPA0400
Wingspan: 84.5 in (2140 mm)
Wing Area: 1245 in² (80.3 dm²)
Weight (w/radio): 17.5-19 lb (7940-8620 g)
Wing Loading: 32-35 oz/ft² (98-107 g/dm²)
Fuselage Length: 73.5 in (1865 mm)
Requires: 2.1-2.8 cu in (35-45 cc) glow engine or 2.5-4.2 cu in (41-70 cc) gasoline engine, 6-7 channel radio w/10 servos
Suggested MonoKote Colors: White, Black, Aluminum & Insignia Blue
Recommended Scale Options: Cockpit Kit (TOPQ8406)
PDFProduct Manual - Technical Data - Parts Listing - Accessories Needed
saludos y esperando haber acertado con el avion sugerido para un motor sin definir cilindradas, creo que es extraordinario y el sueño de muchos foreros por aqui; que tengas buenos vuelos.

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