Acabo de ver que han sacado un nuevo firmware estable ya, el 3.2.1 y aquí están las mejoras...
The major changes in this release are:
fixed a mission handling bug that could cause a crash if jump commands form an infinite loop (thanks to Dellarb for reporting this bug)
improved support for in-kernel SPI handling on Linux (thanks to John Williams)
support UAVCAN based ESCs and GPS modules on Pixhawk (thanks to Pavel, Holger and and PX4 dev team)
Multiple updates for the NavIO+ cape on RaspberryPi (thanks to Emlid)
multiple automatic landing fixes, including improvements in flare detection, glide slope calculation and lag handling
fixed a bug that could cause a change altitude MAVLink command from causing a sudden descent
re-enable CLI on non-APM1/APM2 boards
Lots of EKF changes, including reducing impact of ground magnetic interference, reducing the impact of a GPS outage and integrating optical flow support
added initial support for the PX4 optical flow sensor. Just logging for this release.
added support for MAVLink packet routing
added detection and recovery from faulty gyro and accel sensors
improved arming checks code to detect a lot more error conditions, and change the ARMING_CHECK default value to check all error conditions.
added support for BBBMini Linux port
increased number of AVR input channels from 8 to 11
auto-set system clock based on GPS in Linux ports
added SBUS FrSky telemetry support (thanks to Mathias)
Por lo que me viene fenomenal para conectar la telemetría al receptor X8R y ver los datos en pantalla
En un ratito lo saco para probar en todos los modos
Aquí el esquema por si alguien tiene el convertidor y quiere probar...