- Mar, 12 Abr 2005 10:46
Hola a todos mandé un mail a ZDZ, República Checa, para que me dijeran oficialmente la diferencia entre el ZDZ 80 Rv y el Blue Line, y esta ha sido la respuesta oficial desde ZDZ.
Dear Sir,
difference is only in the design, which is now more attractive for the
It was requirement of the market.
As we have found on the test stand cooling is little bit better but it is
not very significant.
best regards
Michal Janousek
Policna 137
75701 Valasske Mezirici
WEBSITE: http://www.zdz.cz
email: michal.janousek@zdz.cz
Phone: 00420 571 614 165
fax: 00420 571 618 166
Mobile phone: 00420 603 201 076
-----Original Message-----
From: Dani Ballester Llorca [mailto:dani433@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:13 PM
To: techinfo@zdz.cz
Subject: Difference
Hello i´m going to buy one ZDZ 80Rv, but i don´t now the difference between the normal 80rv and the new blue line.
Please you can say me the difference???
Thank you and best regards
Pues eso chavales que solo lo han cambiado por tema de marketing, es decir para que "entre mejor por el ojo",
Un saludo y espero que a más de uno os despeje las dudas que tenias, si es que las habia.
Dear Sir,
difference is only in the design, which is now more attractive for the
It was requirement of the market.
As we have found on the test stand cooling is little bit better but it is
not very significant.
best regards
Michal Janousek
Policna 137
75701 Valasske Mezirici
WEBSITE: http://www.zdz.cz
email: michal.janousek@zdz.cz
Phone: 00420 571 614 165
fax: 00420 571 618 166
Mobile phone: 00420 603 201 076
-----Original Message-----
From: Dani Ballester Llorca [mailto:dani433@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:13 PM
To: techinfo@zdz.cz
Subject: Difference
Hello i´m going to buy one ZDZ 80Rv, but i don´t now the difference between the normal 80rv and the new blue line.
Please you can say me the difference???
Thank you and best regards
Pues eso chavales que solo lo han cambiado por tema de marketing, es decir para que "entre mejor por el ojo",
Un saludo y espero que a más de uno os despeje las dudas que tenias, si es que las habia.