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Un espacio parta hablar de nuestros hemanos mayores de combate. Creado el 23 de Noviembre de 2004.

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Desde luego. Cuando llegue la versión definitiva (tranche 3) con todos los cachivaches electrónicos y plena capacidad habrá poca cosa en el aire capaz de hacerle frente. De momento se está entregando la Tranche 1 Batch 2, con capacidad AA, repostaje en vuelo, capacidad para AMRAAM y tanques externos. Cuando se entreguen los últimos de esta primera tranch ya dispondrán de capacidad para lanzar bombas guiadas por laser. La tranche 2, ya confirmada y contratada, dispondrá de una capacidad AA plena, con los nuevos misiles Meteor, Iris-T y Taurus. La Tranche 3 tendrá, según parece, nuevo radar AESA, más electrónica, posiblemente nuevas versiones más potentes del motor y posiblemente la tobera 3D de ITP. De momento el IPA4, el avión de pruebas operado actualmente por EADS-CASA acaba de volver de un viaje de 3 meses a Suecia a pasar frio en el Círculo polar ártico. Y parece que se ha comportado muy bien.

Eurofighter successfully concludes cold environmental trials in Sweden
Parking overnight at –32 °C - Power-up - Off we go!
Trials extended due to "warm" weather at the Arctic Circle
Madrid / Munich / Vidsel, 10 March 2005

In the afternoon of 9 March, a Eurofighter completed the up to now longest and most exceptional test campaign ever conducted away from its home site. The touch-down of Instrumented Production Aircraft IPA4 of EADS Military Aircraft Spain at Getafe near Madrid marked the successful conclusion of the Cold Environmental Trials (CET), during which for three months from 9 December 2004 the aircraft was stationed at Vidsel, close to the Arctic Circle in North Sweden, where it was exposed to the extreme cold. The purpose of these comprehensively documented extended trials was to verify the operational behaviour of the most advanced European fighter aircraft and its systems under inhospitable arctic conditions at temperatures constantly between -25 and -31 °C, EADS reported on Thursday.

During the CET campaign, IPA4 provided more than 45 proofs of performance, both on the ground and during the 17 flights it undertook. The fault-free operation of the entire aircraft and its on-board systems was verified within the required low-temperature range. In preparation for each step of the test campaign, the aircraft was parked overnight in the open, exposed to wind and weather. This ensured that the cold was able to penetrate into every nook and cranny of the airframe and the systems installed, giving them what the aviation experts appropriately call a “cold soak”. With the fighter aircraft "deep frozen" in this way, among other things the procedures up to "ready for takeoff" and the observation of a two-hour cockpit readiness in stand-alone operation, during which the power supply for the aircraft systems only comes from the on-board APU, were tested and documented for the user air forces. The interest in these tests naturally focused on the behaviour of all aircraft circuits relying on fluids, for example the hydraulic and fuel systems along with the associated aggregates, such as pumps, landing gear, airbrake and air conditioning system.

The roughly 50-strong test team came from EADS Military Aircraft Spain, from the Spanish engine manufacturer IPT, partner of the Eurojet consortium, and from INTA, the institute for aeronautical research run under the supervision of the Defence Ministry in Madrid. To monitor and store the test data acquired, among other equipment a mobile MIDS (Multifunction Information Distribution System) station was deployed to Vidsel. Further integral parts of the CET were ground routines, such as the opening and closing of the external maintenance and access panels, as well as refuelling, on- and off-loading of various external stores up to a maximum landing weight of just under 19 tonnes.

Ironically, the temperatures at Sweden's Vidsel Air Base, which are normally guaranteed to provide deep-freezer climate, were initially too "mild" for CET conditions. The Eurofighter team therefore used these circumstances to carry out some unscheduled trials, such as taxiing on entirely icy and snow-packed runways. Eurofighter demonstrated that its directional stability and braking characteristics are completely reliable on these surfaces too.

After IPA4 had completed the return flight to its Getafe home base with an intermediate touchdown at German Fighter Wing 73 “Steinhoff” in Laage nearby Rostock, Fernando Plaza, Programmes Director of EADS Military Aircraft Spain, took stock: “We are very proud to announce the successful completion of this campaign. All the individual points in the CET programme have been fulfilled, with Eurofighter demonstrating that it also meets the operational requirements under such extreme environmental conditions. Special grounds for satisfaction are to be seen in the phenomenally high operationally ready rate for the aircraft and its systems, despite the arctic conditions." As Plaza underlined, the Cold Environmental Trials are a special showcase for the programme because IPA4 was fitted to the latest configuration, including integration of Direct Voice Input. The Spanish Programmes Director thanked all the employees and institutions involved for their contribution to the success of what was most probably the longest CET in the history of military aviation.
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Por AntonioE
Yo solo digo una cosa, ¿conoceis algun avion que al estrellarse, sencillamente se halla desmontado? es decir, cuando se estrello el primer Eurofighter el piloto salto por una parada de motor, y el avion callo al suelo y simplemente se partio como si de un puzle se tratara, visto desde ariva el avion tenia todas las piezas en su sitio, pero separadas cada una en su sitio pero un par de metros separada del fuselaje.
Me extraña que haya un avion que tenga una estabilidad asi. Cualquier avion actual hubiera hecho medio tonel y hubiera quedado hecho cisco.
Con esto quiero decir que creo que es uno de los aviones con mejores cualidades de vuelo que se ha producido, eso por no nombrar la tecnologia.

Un saludo.
Pues creo que el guarrazo del DA6 se debió precisamente a que se perdio el control, como si desconectásemos la emisora. Al parase el motor el aparato se quedó sin energía eléctrica, y como es Fly By Wire se quedó sin mandos y :( :cry: :evil:
Eso es que no llevaba PCM no ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: o que se le solto el quicklink del gas? Para mi que fue lo segundo. Con respecto al desguace despues del morronazo se comporta igual que el jupiter o el ready Sera de ABC? 8)
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Por dankodog
Pues si la verdad es que no tuvimos mucha suerte con nuestro prototipo :x ... pero bueno...creo que ya tenemos un escuadron operativo de eurofighters, en el Ala 11


Ademas de los primeros 4 paises (Alemania, Reino Unido, Italia, España) en el 99 Grecia ya decidio comprar tambien el Eurofighter, Singapur esta a puntito de decidirse por el y Austria ya parece totalmente convencida.
Para convencer a los chinos de Singapur enviamos uno de los eurofighters a 10.000 Km hasta Singapur para hacerles una demostracion aire-aire.

Igualmente creo que tiene una gran competencia en el mercado...Grippen, Rafale, F-22, F-35 y las ultimas versiones del Imagen Flanker .

Está activo el 113 escuadrón del ala 11, pero no tendremos un escuadrón operativo hasta finales del 2006. De momento tenemos entregados en manos del EdA 5 biplazas y un monoplaza (que se sepa).

Grecia firmó una intención de compra por el EF, pero debido a las Olimpiadas del año pasado han cancelado la compra hasta nuevo aviso.
Austria ya HA COMPRADO 18 EF2000 Tranche 2. De momento es el único cliente externo al consorcio. Y a Singapur fue una parejita de Tifones de la RAF. Las cosas no pintan mal, pero la pugna está muy igualdada.
Otro cliente potencial es Noruega, que ha invertido en el aparato, y debido a su creciente malestar con el JSF es posible que llegue a adoptar el EF-2000. Este malestar se da entre otros miembros del JSF, como Australia, que podría llegar a interesarse.

Por cierto. Comparativa entre varios cazas de 3ª y 4ª Generación. ... 3&start=10
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Por Tim
Ojala nos vaya todo bien, y la politica no lo trunque, ya que de exito tambien se puede morir.
Creo que es la demostracion de que Europa puede TECNOLOGICAMENTE afrontar cualquier cosa, incluso cuando el tio SAM la torpedea.
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Por Borja Garau
hombre...suponiendo que el eurofighter es mas moderno que el f18, y que tiene mcuhas cosas modernas....mas los comentarios de este foro, se puede decir que hara bien su trabajo, en cuanto a estetica prefiero milveces el f18

Y sobre lo que dijo JQA de que no habra ningun avion que le haga frente(o algo por el estilo) pues tened en cuenta que los estados unidos tienen el F35 Joint Strike Eagle

Que la verdad esque el f35.... :shock: asusta :twisted:

El JSF no será un caza. Será un avión de ataque con una limitada capacidad AA (2 AMRAAM y ¿4? Sidewinder X) . Solo superará al EF en furtividad en la versión yanqui, porque según han informado la versión de exportación será degradada. En el momento en que necesite llevar bombas bajo las alas la furtividad se va a freir espárragos. Además, todavía no ha volado. Lo de la foto es el demostrador tecnológico X-35. Su equivalente en el EF-2000 fue el EAP, de la foto, que ya volaba en el 86.

Eurofighter success in AMRAAM guided missile firing.
HALLBERGMOOS, Germany, March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Eurofighter GmbH announced today the success achieved in recent Advanced Medium Range Air-Air Missile (AMRAAM) guided firing trials - a further milestone in proving the maturity of the Weapon System.
Typhoon DA4, piloted by BAE Systems Chief Test Pilot Paul Hopkins with Dave Sully in the rear seat, participated in the weapons trials at the QinetiQ Deep Sea Range at Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides, and was supported by an RAF flight refuelling tanker, a Nimrod MR2 to check for surface vessels within the danger area, and by the Royal Navy, who provided the unmanned Mirach targets.
The profile for this test required the Typhoon aircraft to track two targets by radar, to simulate an attack on one Mirach using a captive AMRAAM missile while simultaneously attacking the second target with an active missile. The active AMRAAM scored a direct hit on the target and destroyed it.
The developing maturity of the aircraft will be further demonstrated through the planned forthcoming guided firings, which include a launch against a jamming supersonic target, a shot using tracking data from a second Typhoon through the MIDS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) data-link, and a twin firing against two targets.
Brian Phillipson, Programme Director Eurofighter GmbH, commented: "With more than 30 aircraft in service with our four Nations, and further deliveries now being made weekly, it is important that we steadily release more and more capability to our partner air forces as they build up their fleets and their experience. This complex firing is another successful achievement in our continuing development programme, another example of the progressive capability demonstration and clearance our customers are expecting from us. It is also another demonstration of the tremendous capability of the Eurofighter compared to previous generations of combat aircraft."

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