Por si alguien tiene una emisora turnigy 9xr aqui os dejo una configuracion que he localizado. No la he probado, ni volado correctamente aun este heli ( ya lo estampe contra la mesa), a ver si mejora el tiempo. Si alguien tiene una configuracion mejor o alguna idea se lo agradeceria enormemente. Lo que no he podido copiar es la r de esta configuracion en ch3" R -100% HALF THR"
Un saludo
Turnigy 9x + HiSKY HT8 rf module + FBL100 Helicopter
● Tx is Mode 2, using a Sky9X motherboard, but should be the same programming on the stock
motherboard.The specific firmware I am on at this writing is ersky9x-r129 but you should get the gist
and be same setup on stock motherboard for er9x.
● This is a simple setup that will get the heli flying, not 3D. For 3D you would merely just adjust the
curves to your individual preference.
● I have ONLY listed the important setting screens, in my screen order on ersky9x, er9x will be
numbered slightly different I think but the important screens should look the same.
● As a precaution, disengage the heli main gear for the first testing, you can then see if the swash
indeed moves correctly and motor doesn’t catch you unawares at full speed.
● For binding, you just switch tx on, then heli on and it binds, nothing special. Please see the very
bottom for the precise setup I have that may be of interest to some
Screen 2/13 SETUP 12
I have Proto PPM at 6CH 300uSec
Screen 3/13 HELI SETUP
Swash Type 120
Collective CH11
Swash Ring 0
ELE Direction INV
AIL Direction INV
COL Direction ---
Screen 4/13 EXPO/DR
exp % sw1 sw2
RUD 40 55 RUD --- H
THR 0 100 ---- --- H
ELE 40 55 ELE --- H
AIL 40 55 AIL --- H
Screen 5/13 MIXER
CH1 75% CYC2
CH2 75% CYC1
CH3 100% THR ID0c1
+ 100% THR ID1c2
+ 100% THR ID2c3
R -100% HALF THR
CH4 100% RUD
+ -30% HALF GEA
CH6 75% CYC3
CH11 100% THR ID0c4
+ 100% THR ID1c5
+ 100% THR ID2c6
Screen 6/13 LIMITS
CH1 0.0 -65 <- 65 ---
CH2 0.0 -65 <- 65 ---
CH3 0.0 -100 <- 100 INV
CH4 0.0 -70 -> 70 INV
CH5 0.0 -100 <- 100 ---
CH6 0.0 -65 <- 65 ---
Screen 7/13 CURVES
CV1 -100 -20 30 70 90
CV2 80 70 60 70 100
CV3 100 90 80 90 100
CV4 -30 -15 0 50 100
CV5 -100 -50 0 50 100
CV6 -100 -50 0 50 100
Screen 12/13 TEMPLATES
Channel Order AETR
I am using FrSKY internal dual temetry/non telemetry DIY rf module in the tx to this setup for rx. Yes those
are NiCd and yes only 4.8v fully charged, yes it works perfectly like this. I just plonk this near my feet and
then fly as normal with nothing actually plugged in the tx - this suits me but may not suit all - just in case
you don’t get it - there is PPM out on CH1 on this rx I am using with common battery power to the HiSKY