- Jue, 24 Nov 2005 10:56
Por si a alguien le interesa o tiene el mismo problema en el futuro:
Esto es lo que les he preguntado a los de MEGA:
Dear Sirs,
Congratulations for your nice motors. I recently bought a MEGA 22/20/3E motor, installed in my model and ran nice with it. However, in a crash I got a lot of dirt and water inside the motor. Some friends at the flying camp told me to clean with fresh water, then use alcohol to dry it and then lubricate it. However, when used alcohol some "green" and "red" tint was out of the motor. I suspect the red tint comes from a protection or something from the rotor, and green may be oil from the ball-bearing.
I didn't run it since to avoid any damage. Can you please tell me what procedure I need to follow to properly lubricate my motor to have it functional again? Did the alcohol damaged my motor?
What is your recommendation for cleaning a motor that in a crash got dirt and water inside, if it happens to me again in the future?
Y ésto es lo que me han respondido:
Dear Mr. Rocholl,
Alcohol can’t damage the motor, the red tint is color from rotor and the green tint is perhaps oil from ball bearings. If inside the motor is some dirt or water, my best recommendation is cleaning with pressured air. If some dirt is inside the ball bearings, its better changing the bearings (both), but this operation is very difficult. If in the motor is always some water, put the motor in some hot place (max. 60°Celsius, 140F) for one day and than put in the ball bearings some fresh oil. Then connect the motor with controller and with very low RPM spray direct in the motor WD40, or something like this (little bit, 1sec.).
Best regards
Jan Stonavsky
Mega Motor
Asi que efectivamente hay que lubricar los rodamientos, y el truco de secar cerca de una estufilla a 60% parece muy interesante, combinandolo con el spray mientras giras el motor.