- Lun, 12 Mar 2007 18:16
Gracias Juan Manuel,
He encontrado lo siguente:
You can also use the Canards as a ‘speedbrake’ for landings, instead of the speedbrake under the fuselage. Set them on a separate ‘landing mode’, or separate switch, so that the trailing edge
deflects 75 - 80 degrees ‘down’ which gives a very powerful speedbrake effect for landing. Of course you must not use a slow servo travel for this - the canards need to move to this position very quickly. Slow the plane down to ‘landing circuit speed’ before applying. You will get a ‘pitch
up’ effect for a couple of seconds, and then the plane settles back into almost horizontal flight, so you will probably not need any ‘down elevator’ mixed in. Use throttle to maintain your required angle of descent. Unless you are using a powerful turbine with a lot of residual thrust at idle, you
will not need to combine this with the speedbrake under the fuselage, which can be switched off. If you want to use this option you will need a longer servo arm to get the throw needed. You may also need to pack the canard roots off the fuselage with a plastic washer on each side, so that they don’t rub against the fuselage when deflected down at 80 degrees. With experience you will find that you can perform some amazing manoeuvres using the canards and increased throws, mixed in with the Thrust vectoring, but we strongly recommend that you
take care when using combined vector thrust and canards at high speed as the forces on the airframe
are enormous.
Resumiendo dice:
Que efectivamente se pueden utilizar los canards como aerofrenos sustituyendo al freno ventral.
Primero hay que programar una función en la emisora mediante un interruptor, que al activarlo desplaza el BORDE DE SALIDA del canard hacia abajo 75-80º, lo cual crea un aerofreno muy efectivo.
Para esta función se requiere de un servo muy rapido y debe activarse una vez se ha realizado la aproximación.
Una vez activado el modelo levantará el morro durante unos segunos que pasados estos tenderá a estabilizarse, por lo que no será necesario utilizar mezcla hacia abajo del elevador y utilizar el mando de gas para controlar el descenso.
Es conveniente cuidar el uso de los canards y de la tobera orientable ya que se crean unas fuerzas sobre la estructura muy elevadas.
Bueno por mi parte lo tengo claro.
PD esto se debe probar con mucha altura hasta cogerle el tranquillo.
Jose Suárez.