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Englische Übersetzung zum Hilfetext von Nurflügel V2.17
Jonny P. Johnston
Datei = File
Neuer Flügel = New Wing...
Flügel laden = Open Wing...
Flügel speichern = Save Wing...
Flügel speichern unter = Save Wing As...
Berechnete Werte speichern unter = Save Results...
Drucken -> Berechnete Werte drucken = Print...
Programmende = Exit
Bearbeiten = Edit
Flügelliste = Wing Database (DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!)
Zirkulations-vorgabe definieren = Define comparison curve for lifting distribution
Zubehör = Accessory
Einzelne Profile-Polare berechnen = Calculate single profile polars
Einstellungen = Program Options
Verzeichnisse = Define directory for wing- and profil- files
Klappen Gruppenfarbe zuordnen = Define colors for flap groups
Markierungsbalken als Kreuz = Mark joist as a cross
Hilfe = Help
Online Hilfe = Online help (press F1)
Hilfethemen = Help topics
Information = About
Graphics Window
Plan view of the wing is viewed here. With the mouse cursor, you can move a marking joist over the wing. If the curves are turned on, you can read the results from the place of the marking joist in the text window below the graphic.
Graphics Options
The switch with the delta wing (Flügel darstellen) = option to turn on and turning off the wing
The switch 'XC' (Geometrischen Neutralpunkt darstellen) = Displays geometric neutral point
The switch 'XN'(Aerodynamischen Neutralpunkt darstellen) = Displays aerodynamic neutral point
The switch 'xd' (Örtliche Druckpunkte einzeichnen) = Displays local pressure points
The switch 'RE' (Re-Zahl-Verteilung darstellen) = Displays local Reynolds numbers
The switch with the gamma sign and the curve (Zirkulations-Verteilung Gamma darstellen) = Displays circulation gamma, gamma = ca*t/2/b (ca = the lift coefficient) (t = depth of the rib) (b=span width)
The switch with the gamma sign and the v (Zirkulationsvorgabe darstellen) = Displays comparison curve
The switch with the gamma sign and the D (Zirkulationsvorgabe definieren) = Defines the comparison curve (sin^1 = elliptical curve, sin^3 = Horten bell shaped)
The switch 'ca' (ca-Verteilung darstellen) = Displays lift coefficient
The switch 'cm' (Nickmomentverteilung Mü darstellen) = Displays local pitch moment
The switch 'ai' (Verteilung der induzierten Anstellwinkel in Grad) = Displays distribution of the induced angle of attack in degree
The switch 'cwi' (Verteilung der induzierten Widerständedarstellen) = Displays distribution of the induced resistances
The switch 'cwp' (Verteilung der Profilwiderstände darstellen) = Displays distribution of the profile resistances
The switch 'cwg'(Verteilung des Gesamtwiderstandes darstellen) = Displays distribution of the complete resistance
The two switches cwp and cwg are activated only, if one has carried out a calculation of the profile resistance. This happens by pushing the button 'Profilwiderstand berechnen'.
The switch with the red stroke pattern (Wirbel Berechnungsstützstellen einblenden) = Displays points of the vortex
If the program has calculated an asymmetrical lifting curve, one can see the direction of rotation of the wing.
The switch 'XE' (Elliptischen Neutralpunkt darstellen) = Displays elliptical neutral point
The switch 'XD' (Druckpunkt einzeichnen) = Displays center of lift, this is the center of gravity and you can see some switches with graphs below the switches are gamma ca cm etc)
You can these use display graphs with results into the graphic. With the small arrow below the graphic, you can move the graphs.
The button 'Profilwiderstand berechnen' = the profile resistance of the wing is calculated with help of the Eppler-Profile program here
The button 'Ansichten' = a profile section of the wing is represented here
The button 'Berechnete Werte' = opening the window for the calculated results
The field 'Oberflächenbeschaffenheit'
Here you can adjust the surface roughness, surface roughness is needed to calculate the profile resistances.
1) Sauberer Flügel = clean wing
2) Verschmutzter Flügel (Fliegen/Staub) = dirty wing (flies/dust)
3) Leichte Vereisung = easy icing-up
4) Starke Vereisung = strong icing-up
The field 'Wirbelzahl'
Vortex number, you can hereby adjust the precision of the calculation.
The field 'Balkenpos_Y'
You can type the position of the marking joist in here. Attention - all inputs must be confirmed with the enter key, input is only then saved. With the two arrow buttons, you can move the marking joists from rib to rib. With then buttons + and - you can move then marking joists at 1 mm increments.
The field 'X-Koordinate'.
You can enter the position of the leading edge here.
The field 'Eingaben'
1) Sym = symmetric inputs, the inputs are reflected on the other wing side
2) Asym = asymmetrical inputs, the input is effective only on the wing side at which the marking joist is
The field 'Pfeilwinkel in Grad'
You can enter the arrow angle of then wing segment right and left of the joist position. Links= left, Rechts=right. The input is in degree. There is a pop menu below the text fields. One can hereby define which line is meant. 0% is the leading edge line 25% then t/4 line 100% the trailing edge.
The field 'Tiefe in m'
The wing depth is entered here in meter. There is a pop menu also. Takes second place here; to 0% the tread is starting out of the nose strip then changed to behind. The position of the nose strip remains unchanged at 0%. The ending strip is adapted. The ending strip remains unchanged at 100%.
The field 'Verw.-Winkel in Grad'
One can get over the wing here. The input is in degree. One also can select the rib profile here.
The field 'Masse ges'
The total weight of the only wing typed in here. The input is in kilogram.
The field 'Flughöhe'
Enter the altitude in meters here.
The field 'Klappe' = Flap
Move the marking joist on a position between the ribs. The field gets active now.
With the button 'setzen' a flap built
With the button 'löschen' one can delete the flaps. Into the text field 'Tiefe (L)' you can enter the depth of the flap in percentage of the wing chord. This then is for the left flap side. The text field 'Tiefe (R)' is for the right flap side.
The part with 'Gruppe'
One can assign a flap to a flap group here. Flaps with the same group number have the same deflection angle. If the deflection angle of a flap of this group is changed, then all flaps also are changed with the same group number. With the button 'W' one can select a group. The number of a flap is in the text field 'Nr.'; this is allocated by the program and cannot be changed. The deflection angle of the flap can be typed in into the text field 'Ausschlagwinkel'. With the two arrow buttons '<' '>' one can jump fast from flap to flap.
The field 'Knickstelle'
With the button 'setzen', you can install a new rib in the wing. With the button 'löschen', you delete a rib. There is a Popup menu below the deleting button again. The contents have the following meaning.
1) 'Linke Kl. übern.' = the flap remains unchanged on the left of the rib
2) 'Rechte Kl. übern.' = the flap remains unchanged on the right of the rib
3) 'Beide Kl. löschen ' = both flaps are deleted
The field 'Spannweite inm'.
One can enter the span in meters here. The contents of the popup menu have the following meaning.
1) 'Ansetzen / Abschneiden' = arrow angle and the depths of the wing are not changed. A piece is added or cut
2) 'Nasenwinkel erhalten' = arrow angle of the nose strip remains unchanged, the rest changed
3) 't/4 Winkel erhalten' = arrow angle of the 25% Line remains unchanged, the rest changed
4) 'Endwinkel erhalten' = arrow angle of the ending strip remains unchanged, the rest changed
5) 'Nasenkoordinaten erhalten' = nose coordinates remain unchanged, the remains changed
6) 'Varia' = wing is reduced or enlarged in the scale
The field 'Auslegungseinstellungen'
Here has one the possibility now to adjust and to fix a definite state.
1) 'Flügelanstellwinkel in Grad' = Wing angle of attack
2) 'CA' = Wing lift coefficient
3) 'Stabilitätsmaß in % von lu' = stability measured in percentage of mean aerodynamic chord
4) 'Schwerpunktrücklage in m'= point of the center of gravity, measured by the wing leading edge
5) 'Geschwindigkeit in m/s '= speed in meters/second
Edit program directories
Click in the main window on the button 'Einstellungen' and then on 'Verzeichnisse'. Popup window appears. In the upper text field 'Verzeichnis für die Flügeldaten', you write down the directory for the wing files. Into the lower one 'Verzeichnis für die Profildaten' you write down the directory for the profilfiles. With the button 'Durchsuchen', you can search for the lists.
Flap group color options
Click in the main window on the button 'Einstellungen' and then on 'Klappen-Gruppenfarbe zuordnen'. Popup window appears. Double click on a cell and select a color.
Calculating single profiles
Click in the main window on the button 'Zubehör' and then on 'Einzelne-Profile-Polare berechnen'. . Popup window appears. With Datei 'and' Fenster schließen, you can close this window. One can see a directory tree below on the left. One can select a profile in the middle below. The profile is then drawn and the coefficients are calculated. The coefficients are calculated with the thin airfoil theory. With this theory, you calculate without friction resistance. We come to the register maps now. We already have the first one 'Profileauswahl'. The second map is for the attitudes 'Einstellungen'.
The field 'Anstellwinkel der Orginal-Profil-sehne (Flosse)'
Anstellwinkel = angle of attack
Profilsehne = profil chord
The text field 'erster Anstellwinkel in Grad' = first angle of attack
The text field 'Letzter Anstellwinkel in Grad' = last agle of attack
The text field 'Schrittweite Grad' = increment
Erster Anstellwinkel = -10
Letzter Anstellwinkel = 10
Schrittweite = 1
The Eppler program shall calculate the angles of -10 to 10 degrees with an increment of 1 degree.
The field Re_Zahlen = Reynolds numbers options
You can type a maximum of five Reynolds numbers here.
The field 'Oberflächenbeschaffenheit' = Surface Roughness
1) Sauberer Flügel = clean wing
2) Verschmutzter Flügel (Fliegen/Staub) = Dirty wing (flies/dust)
3) Leichte Vereisung = Easy icing-up
4) Starke Vereisung = Strong icing-up
The field 'Klappe' = Flap
Flap length is in percentage of the chord. Angle of deflection of the flap is in degrees. The following maps provide the results of the profile calculation.
'Geschwindigkeitsverteilung' = Speed distribution
'CD-CA' = polar resistance and lift coefficient
'Alfa-CA' = polar angle and lift coefficient
'Alfa-CM' = polar angle and moment coefficient
'UT/LT CA' = cover points of laminar to the turbulent flow
'Eppler-Listing' = Eppler program output file
The window 'Berechnete Werte' = Displays Calculated results
Calculation results can be saved to a file here. Activate the output options by checking the boxes on the left.
The right side: 'Beiwerte des Flügels' = Displays coefficients of the wing
'Y-Koordinaten der Wirbelstellen' = Displays Y coordinates of the whirl places (v)
'Zirkulation Gamma (v)' = Displays circulation of Gamma at the whirl places (v)
'Auftriebsbeiwerte ca (v)' = Displays lift coefficient ca at the whirl places (v)
'Induzierte Widerstände cwi (v)' = Displays induced resistances at (v)
'Momentbeiwerte mue (v)' = Displays moment coefficient mue and whirl place (v)
'Induzierte Anstellwinkel ai (v)' = Displays induced angle of attack at (v)
'Örtliche Druckpunkte xd (v)' = Displays local pressure points at (v)
'Re-Zahlen (v)' = Displays Reynolds numbers at (v)
'Geschätzte Reibungswiderstände' = Displays estimated friction resistances
'Geschätzte Gesamtwiderstände' = Displays estimated all of the resistances
'Geschätzte Flügelpolare' = Displays estimated wing polar
'Profilwiderstände' = Displays profile resistances after a calculation with the Eppler program
'Gesamtwiderstände' = Displays all resistances after a calculation with the Eppler program
'Berechnete Flügelpolare' = Displays wing polar after a calculation with the Eppler program
Frank Ranis