- Jue, 15 Nov 2007 23:22
Bichenado por ahi me he enterado que skysharkrc models ha dejado de fabricar kits ( al parecer ha vendido su empresa a alguien) resulta que estos kits son bastante apreciados por la gente que le gusta construir y debido a la demanda que hay van a hacer una ultima remesa de algunos modelos, en concreto el TBM Avenger, el Focke-Wulf FW190A8, el Aichi D3A1 Val y el Douglas SBD Dauntless. Si llegan a un número de pedidos el dia 16 de nOviembre (mañana ) los harán, y si no, nos quedaremos con la miel en los labios. Por si a alguien le interesa os pongo una cita del rcscalebuilder.com refernte a esto
We are now taking pre-orders for the last production run of the following kits:
TBM Avenger
Aichi Val
SBD Dauntless
Prices and ordering information can be found at http://www.skysharkrc.com/shop/?shop=1&cat=37
We have chosen these kits because of the large number of requests since we stopped production. At this time, we don't expect any further production runs of ANY other Skyshark kit unless the kit end of the company is sold to a willing party.
Assuming that we have adequate pre-orders, delivery will be in 4-6 weeks. You will not be charged until your order is completed.
The cut-off date for pre-ordering a kit is November 16th. If we do not receive enough pre-orders at that time, we will not be able to order materials and make the production run. In that case, we will cancel all orders and send everyone a notice.
Please note that we do not ship to Canada and that shipping to any location other than the continental USA could take as long as 16 weeks with no way to track the shipment.
Thank you again for your interest in our kits.
Mike and Angie Grey
Skyshark R/C Corporation