Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Más de una docena de componentes reutilizables construidos para proporcionar iconografía, menús desplegables, grupos de entrada, navegación, alertas, y mucho más ...

Fundado el 7 de Enero del 2005

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Turned parts for the the 40mm diameter, variable length, 18 slot Powercroco do-it-yourself outrunner motor are available from Sandra: -> shop -> (English flag) -> Croco parts

Discusssion and tips: -> Crocodile motors 'bible' (featerurs also powercroco designs for directdrive mainmotor helicopters)

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Por ron_van_sommeren
The motor above was made by David Theunissen (UK) using only the powercroco stator lamintions, the turned parts are his (lots of lathe tips and tricks on his site). Below are the turned parts and stator laminations available from the aforementioned shop. Magnets of course are also available.

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