- Mar, 29 Ene 2008 0:03
Hola Eduardo, cualquiera de estos motores cumpliría tus exigencias excepto el asunto de tu "chinofobia", porque los Feigao son de origen chino aunque tienen fama de buena calidad, además hoy día hasta los de las principales marcas en su mayoría son Made in China.
Como no dices que batería usarías, he supuesto una lipo de 2S.
Los resultados teóricos para una Zagi 400 con una APC 5x5 que arroja el Motocalc son estos:
Motor: Feigao 130L 25T (1308425L); 2320rpm/V; 0,4A no-load; 0,1678 Ohms.
Battery: FlightPower 1800 (20C); 2 to 3 cells; 1800mAh @ 3,7V; 0,0063 Ohms/cell.
Speed Control: Jeti Advance 18 Plus; 0,003 Ohms; High rate.
Drive System: APC- E 5x5; 5x5 (Pconst=1,17; Tconst=1) direct drive.
Airframe: Zagi 400; 30,9dm²; 529 to 577g; 17,1 to 18,7g/dm²; Cd=0,042; Cl=0,3; Clopt=0,52; Clmax=1,03.
Conditions: 600m above Sea Level, 101,3kPa, 11°C
Cells = 2
Gear Ratio = 1,00
Diam (in) = 5,0
Pitch (in) = 5,0
Weight (g) = 529
Batt Amps = 6,8
Motor Amps = 6,8
Motor Volts = 7,3
Input (W) = 49,3
InPLd (W/kg) = 93,2
Loss (W) = 10,2
MGbOut (W) = 39,1
OutPLd (W/kg) = 73,9
MotGb Ef(%) = 79,3
Shaft Ef(%) = 78,1
Prop RPM = 14257
Thrust (g) = 177
PSpd (m/s) = 30,2
RofC (m/s) = 1,49
Time (m:s) = 15:58
Motor: Feigao 130L 24T (1308424L); 2417rpm/V; 0,4A no-load; 0,1547 Ohms.
Cells = 2
Gear Ratio = 1,00
Diam (in) = 5,0
Pitch (in) = 5,0
Weight (g) = 529
Batt Amps = 7,5
Motor Amps = 7,5
Motor Volts = 7,3
Input (W) = 54,6
InPLd (W/kg) = 103,1
Loss (W) = 11,3
MGbOut (W) = 43,3
OutPLd (W/kg) = 81,8
MotGb Ef(%) = 79,3
Shaft Ef(%) = 78,1
Prop RPM = 14751
Thrust (g) = 189
PSpd (m/s) = 31,2
RofC (m/s) = 1,66
Time (m:s) = 14:24
Motor: Feigao 130L 23T (1308423L); 2522rpm/V; 0,4A no-load; 0,142 Ohms.
Cells = 2
Gear Ratio = 1,00
Diam (in) = 5,0
Pitch (in) = 5,0
Weight (g) = 529
Batt Amps = 8,3
Motor Amps = 8,3
Motor Volts = 7,3
Input (W) = 60,7
InPLd (W/kg) = 114,5
Loss (W) = 12,5
MGbOut (W) = 48,1
OutPLd (W/kg) = 90,9
MotGb Ef(%) = 79,3
Shaft Ef(%) = 77,9
Prop RPM = 15277
Thrust (g) = 203
PSpd (m/s) = 32,3
RofC (m/s) = 1,86
Time (m:s) = 12:57
Motor: Feigao 130L 22T (1308422L); 2637rpm/V; 0,4A no-load; 0,13 Ohms.
Cells = 2
Gear Ratio = 1,00
Diam (in) = 5,0
Pitch (in) = 5,0
Weight (g) = 529
Batt Amps = 9,3
Motor Amps = 9,3
Motor Volts = 7,3
Input (W) = 67,6
InPLd (W/kg) = 127,8
Loss (W) = 14,0
MGbOut (W) = 53,6
OutPLd (W/kg) = 101,2
MotGb Ef(%) = 79,2
Shaft Ef(%) = 77,7
Prop RPM = 15837
Thrust (g) = 218
PSpd (m/s) = 33,5
RofC (m/s) = 2,07
Time (m:s) = 11:35
Te pongo los resultados con un 400/6v para que puedas comparar
Motor: Graupner Speed 400 6V #3321; 2672rpm/V; 0,89A no-load; 0,254 Ohms.
Battery: FlightPower 1800 (20C); 2 to 3 cells; 1800mAh @ 3,7V; 0,0063 Ohms/cell.
Speed Control: Jeti JES 020; 0,003 Ohms; High rate.
Drive System: APC- E 5x5; 5x5 (Pconst=1,17; Tconst=1) direct drive.
Airframe: Zagi 400; 30,9dm²; 535 to 583g; 17,3 to 18,9g/dm²; Cd=0,042; Cl=0,3; Clopt=0,52; Clmax=1,03.
Conditions: 600m above Sea Level, 101,3kPa, 11°C
Cells = 2
Gear Ratio = 1,00
Diam (in) = 5,0
Pitch (in) = 5,0
Weight (g) = 535
Batt Amps = 7,6
Motor Amps = 7,6
Motor Volts = 7,3
Input (W) = 55,2
InPLd (W/kg) = 103,1
Loss (W) = 21,1
MGbOut (W) = 34,1
OutPLd (W/kg) = 63,7
MotGb Ef(%) = 61,8
Shaft Ef(%) = 60,8
Prop RPM = 13619
Thrust (g) = 161
PSpd (m/s) = 28,8
RofC (m/s) = 1,23
Time (m:s) = 14:15