- Jue, 28 Ago 2008 19:56
Pues sí... muy a mi pesar la red bull vuelve a ser cancelada una vez más en España. ¿Cuando se volverá a repetir la expectación que hubo en Barcelona 06? ¿Cuando se pondra deacuerdo la organización y los ayuntamientos de turno? yo me he cansado ya, tendremos que viajar fuera para volver a disfrutar de una carrera de la red bull...
Os pego el texto donde lo anuncian en su pagina web:
Red Bull Air Race GmbH regrets to announce that the race scheduled to take place in Spain on the 27th and 28th September has been cancelled.
The original plan, to have a Red Bull Air Race in Valencia in 2008, was cancelled after the city withdrew its offer to host the race on the grounds that they could not fulfil all requirements. In the remaining time, it was not possible to secure an alternative location that could meet all the Red Bull Air Race criteria.
“We were really looking forward to another race in Spain and are sorry to disappoint our fans. We hope to be back in 2009.” said Bernd Loidl, CEO of Red Bull Air Race GmbH.
Os pego el texto donde lo anuncian en su pagina web:
Red Bull Air Race GmbH regrets to announce that the race scheduled to take place in Spain on the 27th and 28th September has been cancelled.
The original plan, to have a Red Bull Air Race in Valencia in 2008, was cancelled after the city withdrew its offer to host the race on the grounds that they could not fulfil all requirements. In the remaining time, it was not possible to secure an alternative location that could meet all the Red Bull Air Race criteria.
“We were really looking forward to another race in Spain and are sorry to disappoint our fans. We hope to be back in 2009.” said Bernd Loidl, CEO of Red Bull Air Race GmbH.