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Fundado el 31 de marzo del 2003.

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Por esbakke
I am sorry that I do not write in Spanish, but hope I will have some answers anyway.

I am going to Southern Spain (Marbella) this summer, and had hopes to do some slope-flying.

Does anybody know sites with good lift, easy access and acceptable landing-conitions?

Última edición por esbakke el Lun, 24 Ene 2005 9:56, editado 1 vez en total.
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Por Andrés

Aquí el amigo Espen busca laderas en la zona de Marbella ya que va a ir este verano, así que si alguien conoce alguna que lo ponga aunque sea en español que ya nos encargaremos alguno de traducírselo.

Espen: Good choice for holidays :D
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Por Michele
Espen, wellcome to the MILIAMPERIOS group.

Here you'll find plenty of english speaking people so don't be afraid.

Where are you from?

Wish you a nice time in Marbella :D .

See ya!!
Por esbakke
My Spanish is unfortumately rather poor. Could someone please help me to translate Andres' reply to English.....

I am from Norway by the way.

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Por Michele
He has already done the translation for you!!! :wink: :wink:

Norway!!!! Damn!! Marbella is maybe too hot for you.
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Por chetosmachine
That's what Andres said:
our friend Espen looks for slopes near Marbella because he comes to spain next summer. If anyone knows a slope, please tell him, don´t care if the post is in spanish, someone will translate into english."

Regards Espen,
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Por Andrés
Sorry Espen, I didn´t twig. :oops:

It´s what chetosmachine wrote (gracias)

If you are from Norway, you have to love sun and beach to go there in summer. :P
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Por black_bird70
Hi Espen,
Nice to see you here.
I don´t know where to fly in Marbella but I´ll ask some friends and try to find out. How far must the slope be?
By the way will u come to La Muela this year?

Kind regards
PS At least u know one word in spanish ¡HOMBRE!
Por esbakke
I am sorry, but I dont have time to go to La Muela. But I understand that I should go sometime.


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