Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Un espacio parta hablar de nuestros hemanos mayores de combate. Creado el 23 de Noviembre de 2004.

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Primer pedido desde fuera de Europa y segundo cliente de exportación tras Austria.

Los datos todavía son algo confusos, ya que algunas fuentes hablan de 24 y otras de 48 aparatos. Las opciones llegarían a los 72. El precio por aparato incluida formación, recambios, etc llega a 113 millones de dólares a pagar en petroleo.

Cuando tenga algún enlace lo pondré.
De la web de Eurofighter nos llega la confirmación oficial:
21 December 2005 - Eurofighter Typhoon for Saudi Arabia - Press Release MoD
The Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have signed an Understanding Document, which is intended to establish a greater partnership in modernising the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces and developing close service-to-service contacts especially through joint training and exercises.

The partnership also recognises the key objectives shared by the two Governments with regard to national security and actions to combat global terrorism and respects the wise leadership role exercised by the Saudi Arabian Government in promoting regional stability.

In addition, the United Kingdom Government recognises the need to support the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its efforts to further develop a regional defence industrial centre of excellence. In this regard, BAE SYSTEMS will invest in local Saudi companies, develop an industrial technology transfer plan, and provide suitable training for thousands of Saudi nationals providing through life support for key in service equipments.

The two Governments recognise the requirement to provide enhanced capabilities to existing military assets and ensure that they can be supported by local Saudi industry. Under the terms of the signed document Typhoon aircraft will replace Tornado Air Defence Variant aircraft and others currently in service with the RSAF.

The details of these arrangements are confidential between the two Governments.

Dr Reid said:

“I welcome this Understanding as the latest practical example of the close relationship that exists between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabian Governments. It offers opportunities for forging closer links between our armed forces and industries, which will benefit both nations.”

“This Understanding is good news for both UK and Saudi industry. BAE SYSTEMS, as Prime Contractor, and its many UK sub-contractors will benefit from the work envisaged under this Understanding, which will help sustain several thousand UK jobs over the next ten years. In addition, the associated technology transfer, training and inward investment packages will generate many skilled jobs in Saudi Arabia.”

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